An interactive virtual conference featuring two half-day sessions.
Clarify and align initiatives and resources for under-represented community members and students in healthcare education programs.
Discuss how programs can link together to form equitable health career pathways.
Identify workforce education gaps and bridge them gaining a clearer view of services and programs across the state.
Hear student stories from those under-represented in the health workforce.
Achieve success by coming together to collaborate, develop community and solutions.
8:30-9:15 Dr. Sislena Ledbetter, AssociateVice President of Counseling, Health and Wellbeing at Western Washington University. Swil Kanim, US Army Veteran, classically trained violinist, native storyteller and actor; member of the Lummi Nation,the Lhaq’temish People
9:15-9:20 Introduction:Devyn Nixon, Family and Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner, Diversity Equity andInclusion Consultant and Educator Western Washington University
9:20-10:25 Inextricable:Lineage-Informed Approaches to Cross-Cultural Engagement with Devyn Nixon
10:25-10:35 Break
10:35-11:05 Continued: Inextricable: Lineage-InformedApproaches to Cross-Cultural Engagement with Devyn Nixon
11:05–11:40 Introduction to Mónica Koller, MS, Owner of Connecting Communities and Storyologist
11:05–11:40 “HealthEquity: Exploring Cultural Humility” Digital Stories with Monica Koller ofConnecting Communities.
11:40-12:15 Showing of Digital Stories – 8 videos
12:15-12:25 Introduction to CoriGarcia Hansen, Health Workforce Grants Assistant and past Center Director, AreaHealth Education Center for Western Washington
Taking Action Together: Strengthening and expanding the NWHCP network and resources
12:25-12:30 Dr. Sislena Ledbetter, ED of Counseling,Health and Wellness at Western Washington University
Swil Kanim, US ArmyVeteran, classically trained violinist, native storyteller and actor; member ofthe Lummi Nation, the Lhaq’temish People
8:30-8:50 Dr. Sislena Ledbetter, AssociateVice President of Counseling, Health and Wellbeing at Western WashingtonUniversity
Swil Kanim, US Army Veteran, classicallytrained violinist, native storyteller and actor; member of the Lummi Nation,the Lhaq’temish People
8:50-8:55 Introduction:Kirsten Wilbur, Clinical Associate Professor, School of Occupational Therapy,University of Puget Sound
8:55-9:55 Presentation: Developing WorkforceDiversity in the Health Professions: A Social Justice Perspective with Kirsten Wilbur
9:55-10:00 Transition and Introduction: FawziBelal, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Associate, Washington Center for Nursing Amanda Quintana DNP, RN, FNP,Senior Project Director for the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence, ColoradoCenter for Nursing
10:55-11:05 Break
11:05-11:10 Transition and Introduction: ModeratorDan Ferguson of Washington State Allied Health Center of Excellence & panel members:
Meghan Regis, Suzanne Swadener and Steve Perry of Health Care Authority
Renee Fullerton ofWA Workforce Training Board, Health Workforce Council
Diane Oakes fromDelta Dental
12:15-12:30 Dr. Sislena Ledbetter, ED ofCounseling, Health and Wellness at Western Washington University
Swil Kanim, US Army Veteran,classically trained violinist, native storyteller and actor; member of theLummi Nation, the Lhaq’temish People.
What is unique about this summit is a cross-sectoral and whole systems approach. Connect with the larger network of programs that served under-represented communities in healthcare career pathways!
The audience includes:
Teachers/Faculty, Career Professionals, Advisors
Pathway Program Directors, Coordinators and Educators
Workforce Development Staff and Industry Partners
State and Government Agency Staff
Community Organizers
Students Who Organize
The NWHCP Summit first began in 2017 in conjunction with the a website initiative to create a health workforce that reflects the communities served with a primary goal of helping people connect to programs and resources.
This is a collaborative project, known as the NW Health Career Path Project (NWHCP), between the UW Medicine Office of Healthcare Equity, UWSOM Center for Service Learning, Allied Health Center of Excellence, the NW Regional Primary Care Association, and Area Health Education Center for Service Learning. The OSPI Health Science Program and Health Science Career and Technical Education Programs have been a part of this project, as well as students and volunteers.
The project includes collaboration among a wide spectrum of career outreach programs to form a “career pathway” for our region. Health career pathways provide an opportunity for students from diverse backgrounds to explore health careers through experiential learning.
The NWHCP Summit addresses issues impacting access and development of health career programs for individuals under-represented in healthcare, building pathways from community to leadership:
Awareness building and enrichment programs
Health education and training programs
Leadership development, residencies, and fellowships
NWHCP Committee members work with partners across the state and region to map pathway programs and health education and training programs, creating a comprehensive database starting with awareness building to leadership development. This database and map make it easier for healthcare students and community members to identify and map their academic pathways. The committee meets monthly to work on the website and summit.
The NWHCP project serves community, students, advisors, and advocates to connect them with information on healthcare career pathway programs starting with early education career/college prep to internships, residencies, and leadership development, in addition to Health and STEM certifications and degree programs.
Many outreach programs throughout the northwest region strive to bring individuals who are under-represented in the health care fields toward college level training in the health sciences. The NWHCP is cultivating a space to curate and connect all these programs that make the lifetime career pathway for individuals in health careers.
The NWHCP is actively recruiting new programs, resources and services for under-represented and disadvantaged students with the goal of creating a more equitable healthcare workforce reflective of the communities served.
Put your program on the map today! Or sign up to learn more about participating in this project.
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